/ Student Development

On-Campus Support

Several campus offices provide support and can help you attain holistic (physical, emotional and spiritual) health.

Whether youÑÇÖÞÉ«°É™re interested in filing a report, seeking counseling, just want to talk or feel you need a medical professional, we have options for you.

Counseling and Psychological Services offers confidential individual or group counseling services free of charge to all degree-seeking Hope students. To schedule an appointment, call 616.395.7945.

If you have experienced interpersonal violence (e.g., sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, childhood abuse), we invite you to consider joining a support group. This group is mindful of the help and support survivors can provide for each other. They will support each member, creating an empowering environment where yous can learn new coping skills, share your story, be supported and work towards personal goals.

If you are interested in participating in this support group, please contact Cassidy Bernhardt at advocacy@hope.edu. Students can join group at any time during the academic year.

The Hope Health Center can provide confidential service to any Hope student who is registered for the current semester as a degree-seeking student. Services provided include annual exams (pap testing), STD testing and assessment of injuries. (However, if you have been the victim of a sexual assault within the last 120 hours, you are encouraged to seek assistance from a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner off-campus.)

To schedule an appointment call 616.395.7585 or stop by the office (Dow Center, 1st floor). Refer to the website for information about fees and the HopeHealth Benefit.

Campus chaplains will listen, discern and pray with you regardless of what is going on in your life. There is no issue, no circumstance, no question that they are not willing to engage. If you would like to set up an appointment, please contact a chaplain. Campus chaplains are confidential employees on campus.

Several Hope College employees, Grievance Process Pool (GPP) members, are trained to assist you from start to finish if you are going through our resolution processes. They can provide information about the policy and procedures while also being by your side as you go through each step of the process. Additionally, they will be the person to issue direct cross-examination on behalf of the parties during a hearing (as outlined for Process B). GPP members are not confidential support persons, but instead are mandatory reporters if you inform them about incidents that have not yet been reported to the Title IX coordinator.

For additional information relating to policy advisors, please contact Taylor Sinclair or Kelsey Colburn.