/ Provost's Office

Submitting a Proposal

All HSRB applications must be submitted using the online application management system.

You will select your application type as part of the application process. Application types include:

  • Full Board Review
  • Expedited Review
  • Requests for Exemption
  • Classroom Research
  • Oral History Registrations
  • Modifications Request
  • Continuation Request
  • Study Closure

To apply for HSRB review, complete the following steps:

  1. Complete the  (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative).
  2. Determine the level of risk of the proposed research and whether the research might be exempt from the need for HSRB approval. Please refer to the Hope HSRB Decision Tree.
  3. Complete and submit your HSRB application using the HSRB Online Application Management System.

The HSRB strives to consider proposals received by the 15th of a given month before the next deadline. All proposals received by the 15th will be eligible for that monthÑÇÖÞÉ«°É™s full board meeting.