Hope College News
2024 Oct
In a show of political unity, several groups from Hope College invited officials from Ottawa County to teach students and the public about how elections work.
2024 Sep
Odd Year Pull Photo Gallery
The traditional freshman-sophomore contest was held in a new location ɫɔ the collegeɫəs Buys Athletic Fields for the 127-year event.
Even Year Pull Photo Gallery
Hope College Pull-tug-of-war was held on Saturday, Sept. 28 with the even year winning the pull by 58' 7'' of rope. Congratulations to both teams!
With their chests wrapped in enough layers of duct tape to constitute a sort of homemade armor, 18 Hope College sophomores will spend the next two weeks bracing themselves in freshly dug dirt pits and fighting against an anchored rope.
New Book Chronicles the History of Hopeɫəs Storied Pull Tug-of-War
The first comprehensive history of Hope Collegeɫəs storied freshman-sophomore Pull tug-of-war blends an academicɫəs scholarly training and an insiderɫəs understanding and love of the subject.
Hope Students to Volunteer Throughout Community on Sept. 14
More than 100 Hope College students will participate in service projects throughout the area through the collegeɫəs ɫɜTime to Serveɫɝ program on Saturday, Sept. 14.