Rhetoric and Public Advocacy
Suggested Electives
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Possible Future Careers
- Lawyer
- Mediator
- Lobbyist
- Campaign manager
- Pastor
- Community organizer
- Advocate
Possible Double Major/Minor Combinations
- Philosophy
- Political science
- Religion
- Ministry studies
- Women's and Gender Studies
- Leadership
Preparation for Graduate School
- Masterɫəs and/or Ph.D. in communication
- Law school
- Seminary
Department Alum as Working Professionals
- Assistant district attorney ɫɓ Walton County, Georgia
- Healthcare lobbyist ɫɓ Academy of Ophthalmology
- Professor of communication ɫɓ University of Montana
- Government affairs manager ɫɓ Dow Chemical
- Pastor ɫɓ Reformed Church of America
workP. 616.395.7595